Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thirsty Pachyderms

Title: Water for Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen

I read this quite a while ago (I am way behind on book reviews). It was very good and the cast of characters was excellent. Let's see, there's the arrogant abusive asinine circus master, the paranoid schizophrenic animal trainer, the hostile midget, and Rosie, the elephant who only knows... some language other than English (I don't remember which).

Then there's the overall plot of a veterinary school near-grad who drops out right before his final exams because his parents have been killed in a car accident. He runs away... to the circus! There he becomes the circus vet, taking care of all the animals, who are, of course, very mistreated. He falls in love with the wife of the paranoid schizophrenic (never a wise thing to do), and.. well, chaos ensues.

A very entertaining book. Well worth a read.

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posted by Kate at 3:48 PM


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Just borrowed this from a former roommate! It's fairly low done in the reading queu (currently, I'm learning about cattle stun guns), but I'm definitely gonna read it sooner or later.

4/01/2008 7:04 PM  

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