Friday, March 11, 2011

This was the best?

Title: Year's Best SF7
Edited by: David G. Hartwell

I've read other compilations like this, collecting the "best sci-fi of the year," but I think most of the collections I've read were from a different publisher. Maybe it's our nature to remember only the good stuff, but I think those were better. I read this long enough ago that already it's far easier for me to remember the good stuff, but I still remember that there were a few bombs, too. Several times while reading, I thought "this was the best? All those writers out there, and this was the best they could find??" but maybe it's a matter of the "best for which we were able to obtain publishing rights."

There were some very imaginative, clever, well written stories--but there were also some that seemed like half-efforts, or those few that seemed far too over-ambitious: someone trying to reinvent a genre by doing something really ridiculous.

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posted by reyn at 11:21 AM


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