Saturday, December 06, 2008

Or just plain careless.

Careless in Red
by Elizabeth George

This is one of the Inspector Lynley series novels. I've never read any of them, but have come across the related TV series on PBS, so I figured it was worth a try.

Sadly, though it was somewhat interesting, I guessed all the major plot twists way before they happened. And it's set in somewhere on the coast of GB where all the people have funny names (Santo, Jago, Benesek, Cadan, Dellen, etc.). There's a lot of supporting characters, and with the funny name thing it was hard to keep track of what was going on for the first half or so (which made the obvious twists all that more disappointing).

If the series is worthy of PBS/BBC, I'll give it another try - maybe earlier in the series before the author ran out of ideas.

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posted by ket at 12:33 PM


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