Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Book Covers Lie

Title: Key of Knowledge
Author: Nora Roberts

I am beginning to think they lie on the front covers of books. This one says “Second in the Thrilling New Key Trilogy”. That whole thrilling thing is maybe not so truthful. I think I’d downgrade it to “more or less entertaining.”

This book details Dana’s part of the quest. In true librarian style, she reads a bunch of books and does a bunch of research in the hopes of finding her key.

Dana, Malory, and Zoe also buy a house for the new business they are planning to open. All three conveniently lost their jobs right around the time they were presented with the quest to find the keys to free the souls of the three demi-goddesses. It’s actually a pretty clever idea: Indulgence, a combination bookstore, hair salon, and art gallery. “For the mind, body, and soul.”

What was not so clever, however, was the “booty shake” they did on the front porch of the house on the day they bought it. I don’t know about you but I don’t celebrate things with a “booty shake.” Perhaps I’m abnormal in that sense, but I think a group hug, or a high five, or some champagne would do the trick (of course, they do have champagne once they go inside the house). Or even if Nora referred to it as a happy dance or something. I would be willing to let that one go. But a “booty shake”?

As one would expect, this book has a happy ending. Dana gets the guy (Jordan, a famous writer, how appropriate), which is clearly the most important part of the book, and the key. I’d almost feel bad ruining it for you, but since all romance novels seem to have a happy ending, I don’t think it matters.

posted by Kate at 8:27 AM


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