Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Wrestler and a Bookseller

Title: Two of a Kind: A Love Story
Author: Patrick Cauvin

Phillipe Lipinchky is a 37-year-old pro-wrestler known as Mephisto King…and a complete softie. While in the ring, he ponders the best way to portray petal color in his most recent painting of geraniums. He likes to cook, and has an especial fondness for cheese. Being a true giant of a man with the face of a “baked potato,” he finds it rather hard to find true love.

Jacqueline Puisset is your typical romantic heroine – that is, she’s a repressed book seller who is walleyed and who has long ago given up on the possibility of ever finding true love. When not baby-sitting her nieces and nephews, she hangs out with the local senior citizen’s club. Life – in her words – is very fulfilling.

Both Phillipe and Jacqueline obsess over how ugly they are. But then they meet, fall in love, and realize that there’s someone out there for them after all. There’s a plot complication that half-heartedly tries to derail their future bliss, but it vanishes with the slightest of murmurs. I don’t think I’ll be ruining anything by revealing that there’s a happy ending.

Two of a Kind is a really sweet romance – no bodice-ripping sex, very pretty writing, and it takes place in Paris. Patrick Cauvin wrote the book in French, and it translates very well. His writing is beautiful and touching without getting overly “purple.” I didn’t roll my eyes once.

I did, however, get rather goopy and go “awwww” on more than one occasion...

I can’t really recommend Two of a Kind, however, because it’s rather hard to find. But Patrick Cauvin also wrote E=mc2, mon amour, which is the book that the film A Little Romance is based upon. And that movie everyone has to see : ). Along with Before Sunrise, it's my favorite romance.

posted by Elizabeth at 8:34 PM


Blogger Kate said...

If you want to track down a copy of this book, try using open WorldCat - enter your zip code for libraries near you that have Two of a Kind.

Aren't you all just so glad you have a librarian on this blog?

What romance doesn't end happily? It seems there are very few of those. :)

Now, well-written romances, those are a bit harder to come by. I might have to check this one out... eventually. My "To Read" list is rather long at the moment. Oh who am I kidding, it's always really long.

9/25/2006 10:07 AM  

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